About FurtherBeyond

FurtherBeyond is a collection of writing by men living in Herefordshire who are affected by mental health problems.

We’d like to showcase your work here during 2020 and beyond, and we’re also hoping to publish a book through crowdfunding.

What we’re looking for

Your own, original poems, short stories, thoughts and feelings. If you’d like to send a drawing with your story or poem that’s fine too.

We’ll only show your first name, but it’s okay if you’d like to use a different name or nickname, or just remain anonymous.

Click here to find out how to send in your work.

Will you publish my story or poem?

We will try to publish everything. If we need to make some changes, for example cut something back because it’s too long, we’ll make sure you’re happy with the new version before we publish it. The editor has final say on what appears on the site.

Why send in work?

Many men who have experienced mental health problems say creative work like writing or drawing helps them take back a sense of control and express how they’re feeling. By providing a free platform for local people to share their work we’re hoping it will encourage more people to explore their creative side!

Who knows – it might even help you build the confidence to start submitting to magazines and journals. Don’t forget, we also offer free informal writing coaching.

What if I change my mind?

Just drop us an email and we’ll remove your work from the site.

Read more

How to send in your work

Who runs FurtherBeyond?

Why is it called FurtherBeyond?