Why ‘FurtherBeyond’?

Have you ever been to Hereford Cathedral and seen the Mappa Mundi?

It’s an incredible mediaeval map showing the inhabited part of the world as it was understood hundreds of years ago.

At the very bottom of the map are the Straits of Gibraltar, connecting the Mediterranean Sea with the Atlantic Ocean. There are two promontories on each side, (one of them is the famous Rock of Gibraltar), and these ‘gateposts’ were known in ancient times as the Pillars of Hercules.

Back then people believed that it was not possible to travel any further, so ancient maps often included the warning ‘Ne plus ultra’ – which is Latin for ‘No further beyond’.

Danger can come from exploring unknown places. But while it’s understandable to fear the unknown, it can also be liberating to explore our own ‘unknown’ selves, through writing, art or other creative pursuits. There’s a whole world of thoughts and ideas within us, waiting to be tapped into.

We chose the name ‘further beyond’ to reflect the idea of taking those first few steps from the familiar into the uncharted places, thinking beyond our day-to-day lives and finding freedom in expressing our thoughts and ideas.