Mental health support

IN AN EMERGENCY or if you think you might hurt yourself or someone else:

– call 999 (free)

– call Samaritans on 116 123 (free)

– or contact your mental health crisis team if you
have one.

Other services and support

UNDER 18? Call the CLD Trust team on 01432 269 245 or the council safeguarding team on 01432 260800. Or get support and advice from No Wrong Door 01432 277 562

HOMELESS? Call the council’s housing support team on 01432 261 600

Community Mental Health services  01432 265 123

Hereford Men’s Mental Health group  07432 019 404

Herefordshire MIND  01432 271 643

SANEline – evening helpline (4.30–10.30pm)  0300 304 7000 (during Covid restrictions they are asking people to call 07984 967 708, leave a message and someone will call back.)

Veteran’s Support: call the Veterans’ Support Centre 07792 881 354 or Saxon Hall Veterans’ Support 07975 549 493

For anything else not on this list, please visit the website for WISH (Wellbeing Information and Signposting Herefordshire) or call Herefordshire council’s advice and referral team
on 01432 260 101.

Please let us know if you find out any of these numbers have changed!