Creative writing and mental health – a reading list

Here are some links and references to information about creative writing and mental health.

Bucci, Wilma, ‘The Power of the Narrative: A multiple code account’
in Emotion, disclosure, and health, ed. by J.W. Pennebaker
Washington DC: American Psychological Association, 1995
pp. 93–122

Doctorow, E.L., ‘The Myth Maker’
Interview by Bruce Weber, New York Times, 20 October 1985 [accessed 2 April 2020]

Ero-Phillips, Adrienne Maiers, ‘The Healing Properties of Writing for Persons with Mental Health Issues’ (2015) [accessed 2 April 2020]

Haertl, Kristine Lynn and Ero-Phillips, Adrienne Maiers, ‘The Healing Properties of Writing for Persons with Mental Health Conditions’
Arts & Health, 11 (1) (2019), pp. 15–25

Jess-Cooke, Carolyn, ‘Safety First: Safeguards for writing for wellbeing’
Mslexia, 76 (2017), pp. 52–53

King, Robert et al., ‘Creative Writing in Recovery from Severe Mental Illness’, International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 22 (2013), pp. 444–452

Pennebaker, James W., ‘Writing, Social Processes and Psychotherapy: From past to future’ in The Writing Cure: How expressive writing promotes health and emotional well-being
Ed. by S.J. Lepore and J.M. Smyth, Washington DC: American Psychological Association, 2002, pp. 281–291

Robinson, Mark, ‘Writing Well: Health and the power to make images’
Medical Humanities, 26 (2000), pp. 79–84

Whitmore, J., Coaching for Performance: Growing people, performance and purpose London: Fourth edition, Nicholas Brealey, 2009.